Beer Mecca in Easton?
The city of former heavyweight champ Larry Holmes may be looking to take more championship hardware. Easton, PA, just across the river...

Still Packing Them In at Pilsener Haus, But Hang On
The PubScout did the very first review of Hoboken's Pilsener Haus on its opening day. The day before the opening, the place was flooded,...

All A's & B's at Princeton Pub--So Far
Until today, The PubScout's experience with beer in Princeton has been limited to quaffing at the state's second oldest brewpub--Triumph...

Buck Hill Lights It Up
The guys and gals at Blairstown's newest--and only--brewpub aren't wasting any time when it comes to events. Check this deal out! The...

A Paean Long Overdue
Finally. A song dedicated to the hard-working, dedicated brewers throughout the Garden State. Just click here. It's free to download and...
Exile The PubScout!
For a week, anyway. Just click the pic below. It will take you to my Twitter page. Then click that picture and vote! and vote for his...

What's A Brigand?
Go here and find out. You'll have to wait until the end, but with such a short book, the end is nigh. And half the purchase price goes to...

Like Beer? You'll LOVE Belgium...
Kurt Epps This book is available for download with iBooks on your Mac or iOS device, and with iTunes on your computer. Books can be read...

Water, Water Everywhere, but isn't Beer 90% Water?
My sons: "Dad, where do you want to go for Fathers' Day?' Me: "Guys, Mike Proske is having a BeerFest just fifteen miles from here. Do...

SRO at Mohawk House
I purposely left my home in Perth Amboy later than the 6 PM start time of this Unusual Tap Takeover to allow the usual traffic on 287 and...