Water, Water Everywhere, but isn't Beer 90% Water?

My sons: "Dad, where do you want to go for Fathers' Day?' Me: "Guys, Mike Proske is having a BeerFest just fifteen miles from here. Do you really need to ask?"
I suppose the law of averages couldn't stay with Mike Proske forever, though. Normally--and as has been chronicled here--Proske's events are accompanied by superb weather. Not so last Saturday, where the Somerville Beer Wunderkind and his hard-working staff were trying to set up another of his popular beer festivals under conditions that seemed nearly Biblical.
But they persevered, and eventually the clouds departed, and God sent them a rainbow, just like He did for Noah. He also sent almost 3,000 very dedicated beer nuts on Saturday and a similar number on Sunday during my visit.

With a great selection of beers being poured into 4-oz. mugs, strategically situated tents that offered much-needed shade and cool breezes, live music, food, and even a "King Pong" set-up for beer pong lovers who might hail from Texas, Proske once again showed his hard work ethic and his business-savvy approach to beer.

Both of his establishments--Tapastre and Project P.U.B.--are thriving, though, as family run businesses (that's sister Meghan, R.) they were out of action for the family-friendly festival, which featured twenty brewers' products, mostly all considered "small-batch" brews. Even beer guru Gary Rosen was on hand, happy to be enjoying the event.
The happy throngs enjoyed a nice variety of food, including that from a real live Polish butcher doing his thing. with select meats, kielbasa and more. And that giant beer pong game certainly attracted its share of attention. Proske even considered trying to make a shot from the roof of his business, though I can't say with certainty that he did so.

If he did, it wouldn't surprise me if he launched a high-arcing shot at the clouds, as if to say, "Your water doesn't faze me!"
But you can't have a beer festival without it, though he prefers it from his taps, not his skies. Let's see if Ninkasi and the Weather Gods cut him a break at his Oktoberfest festival in the fall. You can be sure his faithful fans will be there.
Come Hell or High Water.
Which, by the way, was one of the beers at the festival...
The PubScout