'Tis the Season...
...for dirndls. lederhosen, oompah, bratwurst, bauernwurst, knockwurst and Oktoberfest! check out my recent story on a great little piece...

Don't Miss This Gem
by Kurt Epps--The PubScout My friends over at Life in Brunswick County have just published my review of a great local place to eat in the...

Beer Prices Could Get Astronomical?
by Kurt Epps--The PubScout As if 8.3% inflation, skyrocketing gasoline prices and usury at the supermarket weren't enough to depress us,...

Still Smokin'
by Kurt Epps--The PubScout A while back, I published an article about a brand new (at the time) restaurant in Shallotte, NC. Called...

The PubScout's on a Roll
When it rains, it pours, according to the old saw. No sooner did yours truly finish a blogpost on an outstanding, historic Jersey City...

Quaffing in the Footsteps of History
by Kurt Epps—The Pubscout My travels this week led me to the most expensive place to live in the USA—Jersey City, NJ. My youngest son...

Something's Brewing in Leland
The good folks at Carolina Marketing Company have just released their Summer 2022 issue of North Brunswick Magazine, where the stories...

Symbiosis in OIB
Symbiosis... The shark and the remora, the clownfish and the anemone and The Chubby Buddha and Chunky Salsa. My friends over at Life in...

Why So Grumpy?
by Kurt Epps—The PubScout July 4, 2022 After fasting all day and picking the missus up from the airport, I wanted food and a good beer. I...

The PubScout's Double Barreled Edition
My friends at Life in Brunswick County have posted not one, but two of my recent stories about exceptional places to dine and quaff. If...