Beer Skool Set for 9/26/20

I loved high school so much that I only missed two days of it in my last two years, and decided to do it for living and become a teacher.
At first, I couldn't believe I was getting paid to do it. As the years wore on, of course, that changed to "I couldn't believe how little I was getting paid to do it." Regardless, I loved it and never said I was 'going to work." It was always "going to school."
And though I'm retired now, nothing has changed. Because now I teach at the "Beer Skool."
That prestigious academy is located at Tap Time in OIB, and I'm assisted by a cadre of true beer professionals. from the owners to the servers. We teach our "students" how to taste beer, what to look for in a beer, how to use all five senses doing it, how to distinguish between the various styles, and most importantly, how to have great fun in the process. We'll also suggest beer and food pairings that might alter one's appreciation of beer.
Although it sounds like getting this kind of service might be expensive, it isn't. Just $5.50 will buy you a five flight pour of four ounces each, and owner Keith Berciunas always manages to come up with some surprises. Additionally, if you find you have a case of the munchies, just press the magic buzzer on the wall and Fabulous Amelia's Restaurant next door will send an emissary to take and deliver your order while you savor the beers.

Of course, for some extra gelt, you can order pints or half pours of the beers you find tasty, and Tap Time has a nice array of wines if you're so inclined. But at $5.50 for five 4-oz. samples of great beer, you can't go wrong.
