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AI IPA's, Dogs and Future Bikers

By Kurt Epps--The PubScout

As one who reads five or six news sources a day, I occasionally come across some oddball stories. These are just two of them.

The first, appropriately, is about beer.

But this beer is a bit different. It's been created and concocted by the rather controversial AI source called ChatGPT, which seems to be helping humans do all kinds of stuff.

Now, I don't claim to be an expert on AI (Artificial Intelligence), or even regular intelligence, for that matter. One might even be hard-pressed to define the word intelligence, though, like smut, we can usually recognize it when we see it (and which websites offer it).

As one gets older, however, he realizes just how much he doesn't know. As opposed to college students and Congresscritters, who know everything.

But when I read this article ChatGPT creates beer recipe , my interest was piqued. Especially when the beer that was created was described as pretty darned good by those who have tasted it. Of course, real humans have to actually do the work of brewing the beer (which may give the term "robot" a different perspective).

There's no question that this new "AI IPA" is a real beer, and not just a variation on style. But should it matter that the recipe was not generated by a human brewer's mind?

I say no, though some might be squeamish about not just imbibing it, but enjoying it. However, given all the things ChatGPT can do (like writing articles and papers for those aforementioned college students, and maybe even laws for the Congresscritters), it should be no major issue that it came up with a beer recipe. So bottoms up!

In related news, I came across a story about a legislator who, using her own mind and NOT ChatGPT, It's a law to make it illegal for dogs to stick their heads out of car windows.

Exactly how canine miscreants would be punished is unclear, although it seems their owners would bear the brunt of the law's effects. Part of Florida State Senate leader Lauren Book's proposal actually makes sense, because it would bar driving with a dog seated on the driver's lap--which I always found odd, if not downright unsafe.

But her bill is apparently facing enough resistance (and probably derision) that she said she is amenable to amending it. Maybe she should hit up ChatGPT to see if it can craft a palatable bill--or just advise her to toss it in the circular file.

Can you imagine a world where dogs couldn't stick their heads out of car windows?

How else will future bikers get their inspiration to ride when they're just tykes?


The PubScout--immersed in the craft beer scene since 1996



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