What's Your Bingo Beer?

There’s an old joke that asks how you get a 90-year-old lady to yell out the “F” word in church. The answer is to have another 90-year-old lady yell out "BINGO!"

People who drink craft beer regularly know that there is a beer for every season and occasion. The PubScout, for example, gravitates towards IPAs in the summer (although an occasional good stout finds its way into the mix), Marzens and other lagers in the Fall, Belgian Dubbels, Tripels and BBA stouts and porters in the Winter, and Maibocks and other lagers when Springtime shows her budding beauty.
But that’s just my general seasonal plan, and certainly no hard and fast rule. There are no rules in beer drinking anyway. If you like a beer, drink it.
Whether at home or away, I try to pair good beer with good food at my table as well. And every so often the pairing is so perfect, that the “Bingo” light comes on in my head as I’m enjoying the combination. Of course, I log it for future reference, but the search continues, because a Bingo Beer is always attainable under various circumstances.
One such circumstance occurred yesterday. The missus and I had completed our daily beach walk on beautiful OIB, and, I had worked up a decent thirst. My plan was to stop off on the way home to one of my favorite watering holes—TapTime in OIB—with the intention of slaking said thirst.

It being a Friday, TapTime had its typical “Half-price Flight Special” running (four 4-oz. pours for just $5.50!), so I figured I’d try to find one that might register a “Bingo!”
The first one I chose hit the mark. It was a 7% NEIPA from Bill’s Front Porch called Party in the Back, and it was juicy, smooth, satisfying and positively thirst-quenching.

Big Boss’s Hell’s Belle Pale Ale was also delightful, and Inside Scoop, a “milkshake IPA” from Shortway was exceptionally solid, too. I ended my flight with New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk Reserve/Raspberry Hibiscus (told you I have stouts in Summer), and this beer is all the dessert anyone needs.
Of course, at 11%, it’s probably wise to have it at home, especially if you’re drinking a full pint—or three.

At Keith’s suggestion, I also sampled another great summer/beach brew From Shortway (out of Newport, NC) called Rip Tide Lime, which had a hint of cherry in it. At just 6%, it’s totally sessionable, and will guarantee that you and your beach buddies will enjoy playing Beach Blanket Bingo. Shoot, Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello might even show up with this beer, but it’s probably just that New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve playing tricks on you.

They don’t have Bingo cards—yet. But if you’re looking to find your Bingo Beer, TapTime OIB is a good place to search, especially on Fridays. Just be careful to keep your voice down if there’s a 90-year-old lady in the room.
The Original PubScout--immersed in the craft beer scene since 1996
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