Three Jersey Guys Walk Into a Bar...

…just not in Jersey, of course, as Gov. Murphy’s Draconian lockdown measures won’t permit that yet. For that matter, neither will Gov. Cooper’s in NC.
But in SC, it’s a different story, which is putting southeastern Brunswick County restaurants at a serious disadvantage as tourist season approaches.

So ALJ legend Johnny A., Amboy High legend Ty F. (both Jersey transplants now hailing from Myrtle Beach) and I decided to hit one of my favorite North Myrtle watering holes called Local on the Water as soon as we found out we could. The place is doing well since it re-opened a few days ago, and even had to close down on Mother’s day because they ran out of food. It appears folks are anxious to get out and back to normal.

Dave and Nina Stebbins (above), owners of the year-old fledgling hotspot, which is accessible by both land and water, have made the place a must-visit stop on The Strand. With a great beer list and great food, Local has the right stuff for a great afternoon or night out—including entertainment. Whether you sit inside or enjoy your libations and victuals around the outside fire pit, it’s a winning recipe. The re-opening is not, however, without its problems. Social distancing guidelines must be adhered to, which makes full capacity (where the money is made) undoable. Faced with a decision to turn on her TV’s or keep staff working, Nina opted for the former.

One of those working during our visit was the delightful, gregarious Shannon (left), whose youthful attitude and looks belie her years. And her spot-on service, attentiveness and “good egg” attitude made our visit most pleasurable. Dealing with geezers—especially Jersey Geezers— requires a deft and special touch, which Shannon had. Another problem Nina noted—and advised me to share with others in the business—was the issue of her finding it difficult to locate beer that hasn’t expired. (Patrick Legendre of Oyster Rock and Keith Berciunas of Tap Time be advised, and plan accordingly if Governor Cooper ever eases NC’s lockdown.)

And, interestingly, in SC, a special license is required to serve alcohol on Sundays. It costs more than the regular license, and, so far, no allowance has been granted to any business which has been forced into closure for the past seven weeks. But on a positive note, the weather was great, the food was outstanding, and the beer was fresh—especially the Dirty Myrtle. It felt so good to finally be able to sit at a table outside and enjoy the weather, the service, the food, the beer and the company, just like we used to in the “old (pre-pandemic) days.”

Nor were we alone. A healthy contingent of those who have had enough of lockdowns, masks and TV predictions of apocalyptic doom if we dared venture out were there enjoying the same things. Little by little, things are getting back to normal—in SC anyway. How soon it will happen in NC is anybody’s guess, but one thing is certain: restaurants and pubs in tourist spots like those in southeastern Brunswick County which abut the “almost normal” businesses in SC cannot hope to compete by doing only take out and delivery. People want to meet, sit, eat and mingle. And SC seems to have enacted a a reasonable, workable—if not optimal—plan.

Hopefully, NC does as well—and the sooner the better. And here’s hoping Gov. Cooper doesn’t follow Gov. Murphy’s misguided lead, because it’s likely Jersey ain’t opening for weeks--if not months. Which is why Jersey guys have to come to SC to enjoy some pub food, some fun and some suds...just not like these below.

Cheers! The Original PubScout—Immersed in the craft beer scene since 1996
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