What--No Sushi?

Not that I could find, anyway. And not that I'd have eaten it if I did. Because, well, you know.

But this gas station--called Candy's Exxon on 421 in Monkey Junction--had a beer fridge and a craft beer collection that most taphouses would envy. And SIX--count 'em! SIX-- Craft Taps with Grunts and Growlers available. The taps held some very distinctive cargo, but more about that in a bit.

I was tipped to the place by the owner of Burrito Shak--about a half-mile away--during an interview I was conducting about his place for an upcoming story. The interview turned to beer (I have no idea why) and Jason suggested I stop in to Candy's Exxon.
"A gas station? " I asked incredulously. Shucks gas stations were for getting gas and peeing--maybe grabbing a snack, and, if you were inordinately thirsty, a beer from a fridge which likely saw Blue Moon or Shock Top as premier craft choices--not that there's anything wrong with that.

As it turns out, Candy's Exxon--on these premises for about fifteen years-- is like the Factotum of Gas Stations. You can not only do the above, but you can:
Wash your car
Wash your boat
Buy Bait
Buy Tackle
Buy REALLY good cigars

Buy REALLY good craft beer
Get fresh craft beer from six taps

Buy and fill Growlers and Grunts (Crowlers)

Play video games
Buy snacks
Buy and Sell Livestock
Only kidding about that last one, but it wouldn't have surprised me.

And if that's not enough, you can even chat with delightful Martina--at no charge.
Finding hidden gems like this makes my job both exciting and fun.
Not quite as exciting and fun as eating gas station sushi.
But still...
The Original PubScout--immersed in the craft beer scene since 1996
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