The Pub That Love Built

Full disclosure: I love Barry O'Donovan. And, apparently, I'm not alone, judging by the sold-out house turnout for his "hoolie" roast at the ten-year anniversary of Cranford's Kilkenny House last evening.

Thanks to manager Michelle, I was able to squeeze in to witness an outpouring of "craic" and love for the guy who gives so much to his pub, his customers and his town. Complete with comics like KP, Jackie, Big Rich and Joe (Paddy O' Furniture), the night was nothing short of electric. Even Barry's wife, Peggy, and son, Kevin, got in on the good-natured barb-tossing, and both did a very creditable job, if the crowd reaction was any indication.

But even before the show started, and before the guest of honor arrived, the noise level was hoolie-high, produced by a full regiment of Kilkenny regulars, employees and various Barry lovers. And when Barry showed up onstage and produced the pill bottles that would see him through this event, the place went nuts.

Turns out, he didn't need to take one pill, as the love in the room carried him through quite nicely. Many in the crowd wore white shirts emblazoned with the words, "I Know" on the front. They were designed to reflect Barry's standard response when anyone tells him anything.

There was even a Barry impersonator named Ryan Sawyer (above), a Kilkenny busboy who showed up and took the stage in his boss's standard garb (his shirt stuffed with pillows to simulate Barry's, um, profile) and he had died his hair to mimic the salt-and-pepper look (mostly salt) of his employer. Last I heard, he still had a job at night's end.
And why wouldn't he? Barry laughed at least as much as those in his faithful crowd (probably more, in fact) because laughter was the theme of the night. Anyone could get up and sling a barb Barry's way--provided they made a donation to one of the honoree's favorite charities--Cranford Family Care. Big Rich even passed around a collection basket, likely "borrowed" from a local church, to encourage even more donations.

But the other theme, very evident in everyone present, was love. Love for the guy who took one on the chin after a nasty storm named Irene seven years ago, yet had his pub up and running at full steam just six weeks after his entire basement and first floor were inundated.
Needless to say, Irene wasn't welcome last night. But in many ways, she helped promote a community's love for a guy who never hesitates to show his love for it. I filed a brief story called "Hoolie Sans Poolie" when that event went down.

Even those, like beloved Damien Owens (above), who was there for that event, but has since gone on to his heavenly reward, made his presence felt in attendance. In some ways, the story last night was much like that of George Bailey's in "It's A Wonderful Life." Especially the last scene. I told Barry that, "All these people love you because you love them."
Barry O'Donovan's reaction? "I know."

I need that shirt.
Slainté, my friend, and keep the beer--and the love-- flowing.
The PubScout--since 1996
As always, feel free to share the story and steal the pictures!