Christmas at The Kilt

It was supposed to be just a "dusting" of maybe an inch, according to the weather gurus, and snow-savvy Jerseyans don't even acknowledge that as an accumulation. But Friday night's three-inch snowfall--timed to coincide with rush hour--produced a major headache for anyone on the roads. A normal eighteen-minute trip on the nightmare road known as 287 takes an hour during rush anyway, and this ill-timed "dusting" increased that to ninety minutes.

So, never getting out of second gear ( I drive a stick so I can't be carjacked ), I was doubting if I, as the host, would even make it to the PubScout Beers & Bikers Club (PBBC) Christmas meet up at the Tilted Kilt on Rt. 1 in Metuchen, much less anyone else. But we did. And nine intrepid souls were rewarded with good fellowship, good food, good beer and good cheer for our troubles.

Not that it takes much to bring a smile to most faces when at "The Kilt," which I fully expected to be as devoid of customers as Ebenezer Scrooge's barren soul on Christmas Eve. It was surprisingly full, but not so full that the friendly, helpful Kilt gals couldn't push two tables together to accommodate us.

One by one, the bikers came in, and one by one, the beers from the Kilt's extensive list arrived--at least until "Double Hammer" Rick got there. Then the appetizers appeared and disappeared almost as fast as they showed up. Finally, our pub grub came to cap off the evening. Hint: If you decide to order appetizers first and you think you want that delicious Monte Cristo on the menu, plan to split it with somebody, because you alone will not finish it there.

Our main server, Valentina, couldn't have been more accommodating, and her smile lit up the table almost as much as Steve's electric sweater (above). Her Kilt comrades, adorned with different festive headgear (some of us actually noticed the head gear) and similar broad smiles, happily posed for pictures, making our evening festive, fun and worth the trip.

But, to be honest, while Christmas always makes a gathering special, a trip to The Kilt will always lift your spirits.
Especially when you hang with the right people, like those in the PBBC.
Cheers and Merry Christmas!
The PubScout