A Star is Born!

Hopbiscus is here! Komal Das of Das' Creamery just announced the news:
"Hopbiscus is our collaboration ice cream with Angry Erik Brewing! Their hibiscus and honey Ale in our vanilla ice cream will be served by the scoop only while the batch lasts! We are excited to partner with this local brewery to bring you something really special. The PubScout wrote a great article about this project. Cheers! "

This is the effort The PubScout wrote about in his Monday column.
This most unique collaboration was made in very limited quantities, and it's not likely to last long. So if you want to try this amazing confection, hie yourself to Das' Creamery in Budd Lake, NJ.
And, as Komal Das says, "The calories in my ice cream don't count."
And I must confess, the name the ladies came up with is far more appealing than the one I suggested. We'll keep that little secret in house for the time being. But Komal says the confection is absolutely delicious.

This creation is just proof positive of the wonderful things that can be accomplished when two creative people collaborate with their products, in this case,
Artisanal Ice Cream and Craft Beer. Good Job, Komal Das and Heide Hassing! Who'd a thunk it? Well, for one, I did.
The PubScout