An Unusual Tap Takeover

Tap Takeovers usually involve just one brewery taking over the taps at a given site. But Steve Scro, owner of the magnificent Mohawk House in scenic Sparta, NJ doesn't do "usual," as the picture below of one of his eight rooms attests.

Just step foot in this impressive Grand Country Estate situated on three acres, meander through its eight elegantly appointed rooms with four fireplaces and sample some of the farm-fresh, finest food available anywhere, and you'll understand why "usual" doesn't belong in the same sentence with Mohawk House, either.
I had put about 120 miles on the Blue Eagle up in northwest Jersey before finding myself close to his mansion. As I hadn't seen Steve for a while, I figured I'd drop in, grab a liquid lunch from one of the finest beer bars in the tri-state area and maybe shoot the breeze a bit with the guy who is as down-to-earth as his place is out-of-this-world.

I walked straight into the huge, cool dark bar and Anna (I suspect she is a model somewhere) greeted me with a winning smile. So did Victoria, the hostess at the door. I looked over the beer menu, and I was tempted by some of the higher ABV beers on it, but caution and two wheels demanded otherwise. I made my selection, and Anna told me that she was out of it, because they were trying to kick as many kegs as they could before Thursday.
"What's Thursday?" I inquired, as I took the first sip of Heide Hassing's (Angry Erik) outstanding, Azacca-infused Troll Baby IPA. My Instagram post on this beer read thusly : "The Azacca hops in Angry Erik's Troll Baby are administered with a deft hand that allows the tropical fruit and pine notes to join with a nice malt backbone. Lovely lacing coats the side of a pint glass. At only 5% ABV, it's definitely a session IPA, and one that would pair well with a host of foods-- or just after yard work on a day like today. I enjoyed mine in Sparta's Mohawk House, a fabulous beer destination."

Anna broke my reverie.
"We're having a huge tap takeover on Thursday night, June 15. Fifteen of the best breweries in the tri-state area will be commandeering the taps and offering their beers."
She handed me a menu insert with the information, and it's right here. There are some decidedly heavy hitters from Jersey on that list, along with Yard's, Two Roads, Troeg's, Weyerbacher, Neshaminy Creek, SixPoint and Bronx Brewery. The event will run from 6-11 PM.
That's a "can't miss" lineup, and with fifteen brewers coming in, it's no wonder Bar Manager Steve and Anna had the kegs stacked up in the locked cooler downstairs.

This leaves The PubScout in a bit of a quandary, however. Not on whether to go to scenic Sparta twice in as many days, though. No, no. That's a no-brainer.
My problem will which beers from this power lineup will I get to try without having to find a room for the night?
If you go--and you should--that will likely be your problem, too.
But, all things considered, it's a good problem to have.
The PubScout