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New Microbe Discovered Infecting Beer?

Bacteria can be scary things. The World Health Organization has developed a list of the twelve bacteria that pose the greatest threat to human health. If you're into that kind of stuff, read the story here. They are on this list because of their resistance to antibiotics.

Lesser known, but just as dangerous, may be a microbe that poses a great threat to human mental health, and it's been discovered recently in, of all places, a pretty well known beer magazine.

Named politicaliosia correctnisbacteriaceae, it has recently been discovered in the editorials of a major beer magazine which "has decided not to cover beers with names or images that 'fall into poor taste,' targeting beers that they believe "demean women" according to a recent story in the Daily Wire.

Taste, of course, is a highly subjective term, especially when it comes to beer. And the mag has every right to exclude names from its pages it deems to be in "poor taste," even though the beer inside may be outstanding.

The editorial states, among other things, that "Beers that demean women or promote rape culture will not be reviewed or promoted" in either the magazine nor on the website."

Mentioned are Panty Peeler and Phat Bottom, neither of which have promoted "rape culture" in any way, save in the minds of the politically correct and perpetually offended. According to the article above, it was some unnamed "Fulbright scholar" who made the "rape culture" charge against Panty Peeler. The article also shared information about the female creator of the name and the beer which shows the "scholar" to be woefully uninformed. Whether that person actually ever tasted the beer is not known.

Full disclosure: I have had and greatly enjoyed Panty Peeler, as has a good female friend (and biker), at a recent celebration in a famous NYC pub. Neither while drinking , nor upon finishing, two of them, and despite its rather high ABV, was I once moved to rape or assault in any way any female at my table, my wife included. Similarly, my friend Maria (depicted below) allowed that, after enjoying and finishing both of her beers, she did not see herself as a potential rape victim. And the undergarments of everyone at the table remained, thankfully, unpeeled.

Lost in the hubbub is the most important question: what about the beer? It would seem that beers with "offending names" won't warrant even a mention, much less discussion or evaluation, on what really matters--which is the beer inside the container.

Drink whatever beer you want for whatever reasons you want, but at the top of the list should be because you enjoy it, not because you are offended by the name on the label. If the label offends you, pour it into a proper glass, and evaluate it from there. Whatever happened to not judging a book by its cover?

Fear not, beer lovers. Though some may have elected to exclude beers with names that don't meet their standards of "good taste," The PubScout will continue to report on his experiences with beers that simply taste good.

Because good beer is measured by good taste.

Not by the name on the label.


The PubScout

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