The "Founder" and The "Flounder"

As a former English teacher, I am always annoyed when people misuse words. Except maybe for Norm Crosby, who was the modern-day reincarnation of Sheridan's Mrs. Malaprop. And if you've never heard of either, you're obviously the pinochle of ignorance, so just let it go.
But "founder" and "flounder" have so often been used interchangeably, that many folks don't know there is a difference. As nouns, they are not usually confused, unless the user doesn't know the difference between a fish and someone who "founds" something--like Jeremy Lees, who founded Flounder, and Jim Koch, who founded Sam Adams.

But it is as verbs where the confusion rises. To "founder" means to sink beneath the water or to cave in, like the Titanic. To "flounder" means to struggle, which Jeremy Lees of Flounder Brewing and Jim Koch of Sam Adams Brewing may very well have done in the beginning of their respective beer careers.
But neither are floundering anymore, especially Jeremy "Flounder" Lees.
That's not to say he's not working hard. But good things are definitely coming his way, which means good beer is definitely coming our way.

And last night's event was proof. Under the watchful eyes of Ringmaster Gary Rosen, Jeremy took the stage with Sam Adams' Head Brewer Megan Parisi to introduce their collaboration beer Devil's Nectah to the crowd at the Hub City Brewhouse in New Brunswick. Nectah is an exceptional beer with a nicely balanced harmony of sweet honey (the basis of Flounder's flagship Honey Ale) and tart cranberries that hits the mark, while proving that Sam Adams' Megan Parisi and Flounder Brewing know what good beer is about.

Jeremy's Flounder Brewing was selected by the SA Founder to be part of a nationwide collaboration, and great credit should be given to SA's Jim Koch for encouraging such unions. Said Jim Koch, “I first brewed Sam Adams in my kitchen and the Flounder Brewing Company first brewed in their garage, so we understand the challenges of expanding and scaling as an up-and-coming brewery. I look forward to working and collaborating with the Flounder Brewing family as they continue to provide innovative craft beers in New Jersey and beyond.” And at Flounder, the emphasis is definitely on "family."

Having joined Koch on a variety of beer adventures in the past, The PubScout is as impressed by Koch's "down-to-earthiness" as he is by the consistent quality and faithfulness to style of the many beers SA produces. While not all of Koch's or Parisi's beers will appeal to everyone (they are not supposed to), lovers of good beer are sure to find something that will satisfy in the extensive repertoire of the Boston Beer Company. Devil's Nectah surely satisfied the many on hand for last night's event, including beer gurus Kevin Trayner and Mark Haynie, who were on hand for the event.

But the Nectah wasn't the only winner of the night. Genevieve, an IPA named in honor of the brewer's grandmother, is a very solid IPA in its own right. But Queen Genevieve wears the crown for a reason. It's an 8% DIPA that was making only its second public appearance since its release, was nothing short of spectacular. Expertly crafted and balanced, it's a juicy, fragrant, citrusy, tasty winner, and if you ever get a chance to have some, don't hesitate.

The Hub City Brew House (nee World of Beer) was packed, as it often is, with beer lovers who may have come to get some insight into this remarkable collaboration, but basically they were there for the beer itself, as Flounder is steadily carving out an impressive--and well deserved-- niche in the ever-burgeoning Jersey beer market.

In all, it was a delightful, informative, friendly and delicious evening.
Blame that on the Founders.
Of Flounder and Sam Adams.