Quick Bites: Climax, Ramstein and The Carriage House

It's been a busy few days for ThePubScout. Between pub visits, beer releases and two-wheeled Wind Therapy, the hours have flown like the miles on my odometer.
So here are couple of what I call "Quick Bites" to give some well-deserved publicity to some deserving beer folks.
First, Friday night saw me At Climax Brewing in Roselle Park for Dave Hoffmann's annual Oktoberfest release. He also released a Wet Hop beer and had the local farmers from Randolph who provided the hops right there in his brewery. That's Jeff and Daryl below.

Dave's Oktoberfest beers are always good, but this one may have been his best. I enjoyed the Wet Hop, too. Dave's beers are always made in the German tradition, and they are as wonderfully balanced as they are tasty. Do yourself a favor and get some.
Saturday afternoon found me in Butler, NJ at Ramstein for Greg Zaccardi's Oktoberfest release and celebration. His beer was different from Dave's, as one would expect, but it, too, was delicious. All his beers are, being brewed also in the German style, and the crowds that lined up outside to get in are a testimony to his consistency.

In addition to former brewer Brian Boak (who now has to "work" for a living, as he puts it), I met up with a nice group of kids from up around Sparta way. We chatted, laughed and shared some Oktoberfest beers.
As I have always maintained, you meet the nicest folks at beer events. Greg had food tents and even a "Pickle Pop" station. Always affable, Greg recognized the heat index and announced to his faithful customers, "Welcome. Sorry about the heat, but now you know what it's like to work in a brewery."

A few weekends back,some members of the PBBC club and I found ourselves in need of victuals and libations after a run up to the Hawk's Next in NY. Our route home took us to Rt. 434 and a bridge that crossed to Shohola , PA. As fate would have it there was a pub--packed to the gills--right there at the crossroads called The Carriage House.
We pulled in and grabbed an open corner table to order up some lunch and beers, because that's how we roll. The place is pretty historic and the beverages, food and service were good. If Zsa Zsa Gabor frequented the place back in the day, it had to be worth the trip. We'd definitely stop in again, especially when your server poses for a picture.

It's a tough job, this PubScout gig.
But somebody has do do it.
The PubScout