Mission Accomplished

After a scheduled late-morning teeth-cleaning (doesn't take long when you only have two teeth), I hopped on over to the Tiger's Tale, site of yesterday's visit and today's most recent blog.

Once there, I found Manager Manolo and informed him of his pub's good fortune. he responded with alacrity, and together we went outside to affix his P.A.P. Seal of Approval to the inner entrance door.
After some handshakes, I repaired to the bar for a Firestone Walker Double Jack IPA and perhaps the best bowl of three-cheese chili laden with onions that I can remember.
So it's official. Tiger's Tale is a P.A.P. If you'd like to see your pub be so honored, drop me an email. I'll visit and decide.

And, as always, if you want to check out my Gallery to see if your own mug shot made it, just click on "Gallery" and explore!
The PubScout