Rock 'N' Stein?

Most parents eventually find a way to get their little ones down to Disney World at least once. Many go multiple times, and that's despite the fact that a trip to the Magic Kingdom and its ancillary attractions can make quite a dent in the family wallet.
Same goes for Epcot World.
Don't misunderstand: both are neat places to visit at least once with the kids, but it's gonna cost you.
So will this handy-dandy item if you can find it in there.
Being on a fixed income with piddling pay for this (fun) gig, I doubt I'd plunk down that much money, even for such a beautiful, hand-painted stein with an "historic" rock on it. But to each his own. Just like no one should tell you what beer to like, no one should tell what to spend your money on.
And they do come with a certificate of authenticity, though for that much money, they should come filled with good German beer. And a week of refills.
But, hey, if steins with rocks on them are your thing, all I can say is rock on, brother.
Rock on.
The PubScout
Hat tip to Joe Skelly for this heads up!