Of Beer, Bridges and Beth

The Riegelsville Inn in PA, just across the river from Riegelsville, NJ, has long been one of The PubScout's favorite pubs, and not just because there's usually some great beer on tap in a cool, historic tavern. The place, in fact, just oozes history, and its neat setting at the base of a bridge built by John Roebling himself makes the Inn a perfect spot to refresh and relax. That it's up in the scenic Warren/Hunterdon county area with all those beautiful two-lane blacktop roads makes it all the more appealing for two-wheeled travelers.
But even with all those things to its credit, the Riegelsville Inn (not to be confused with the Riegelsville Tavern not too far away) wouldn't be special without one more thing: Beth Brader.

A pretty (and pretty well known) artist from Hellertown, Beth's is the smiling face I seek whenever I stop, and I'm just a bit disappointed if she's not there. Friendly and personable, she lights up the old pub with a special warmth, even when she has to leave to take care of customers on "the Porch." No matter how long it's been since we last chatted, it's always like yesterday--big smiles and big hugs--before she tells me which beer I'd like.
And she recently told me of five beers I'd like, all being served on the same night--August 17--at the Riegelsville Inn. They're all from Victory Brewing and they are part of the second RI beer dinner ever at owner Jeff Ryan's place. Chef Jeremy Donahue will combine with the bards of brewing to create what looks to be a great beer dinner event.
Check out the menu:

Cage Radler to start the festivities? Maybe we should bicycle there?
Prima Pils is topnotch as is Summer Love.
Kirsch Gose sounds extremely interesting, and if you have never had Storm King Stout, you're doing yourself a disservice.
Watch out for The Monkey, however. He will knock you on your butt if you're not careful.
The menu looks amazing!
Of course, my schedule prevents me from attending, as I'll be checking out the Cherohala Skyway, Asheville and the environs around Little Switzerland, NC by motorcycle on the day of the dinner.
So I'll just have to visit my favorite Riegelsville artist in my favorite Riegelsville pub near my favorite Riegelsville bridge when I get back. Beth will take some pics from the dinner for me to share with you.

Speaking of pictures, many of Beth's hang on the walls of this ancient pub, so feel free to wander about before your dinner.
If you go--and I strongly suggest you do--let The PubScout know what you thought.
And give Beth Brader a hug for me.
The PubScout