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So This is a Neat Idea...

My good friends down at at The Brewer's Apprentice (Jersey's FIRST Brew On Premise) are not content with being a great place to brew your own beer. It seems they have now developed a hybrid process that caters to those who prefer to finish their brew at home.

I've covered these hard-working gals (and guys) since 1998, and using their "kitchen" to brew your beer is a great way to get great-tasting beer that you make yourself--even if you don't know the difference between a wart and wort.

My beer buddies, my sons and I have been down a few times to make some of our own beer--which has been the subject of many positive reviews, most of them by us. Because we drank it as we bottled it the "old fashioned way."

You're supposed to come out with six cases of 22 oz. bomber bottles when you're done at the BA. Because we loved to sample as we bottled, our yield was considerably less, but still good.

We enjoyed making it and drinking it, of course, but, being beer slobs (not snobs), cleaning up after ourselves is not high on our list of priorities . And because none of us really wanted to bring the wort home, ferment it and bottle it in our respective homes, we decided to do the entire process at the BA, "Where the Women Clean up." So we're really not bona fide "home brewers."

If, however, you're the home brewer type that gets into watching the fermentation bubbles pop and bottling at home, the new program nay be just your thing.

Gotta give big props to the BA Gals, Jo Ellen and Penny, who are forever seeking ways to bring the joy of good homemade beer to Jersey Beer Lovers. The PubScout wishes them continued success.


The PubScout

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