To Life, To Life, L'Chaim!

One of The PubScout's favorite scenes in the classic "Fiddler on the Roof" is that wonderfully uplifting one that sees Tevye and Lazar Wolf toasting the coming wedding of Tevye's daughter. In the process, they wind up toasting everyone and everything about life with raucous song and dance--even getting the Russian occupiers involved in the jollity.
It's my favorite because that's what toasting should be about--Life. A website called gives a fascinating history of the phrase here. But early this morning, SubScout Natalie Lay, ever on the lookout for things related to good beer, sent me a link, advising me that this was "right up my alley."

And it is. First, because it's being held at The Mutter Museum in Philadelphia. The Mutter has been described as a Museum of medical oddities. Though I have never been, I've always wanted to go. And I surely don't need an excuse to go to Philly, what with it being the home of McGillin's Pub, The Monk's Cafe and a plethora of other famous beer bars.
But I have often wondered how the many displays of the human body and its parts in their oddest forms would affect me afterwards. Now, at this event at least, I can repair immediately to an in-house garden where I can repair any injuries to my psyche or senses with quality beer. What could go wrong?

Gotta love SubScout Natalie, too. As a gesture of my appreciation for her efforts, I am doubling her salary forthwith.
I just hope that the curators of the Mutter Museum won't want to keep me there as a specimen.
I hear that many have already expressed great interest in The PubScout's kidneys and liver as medical oddities.
The PubScout