I'm buying...you drinking?

The last time I wrote about Makai Brewing in OIBNC, I was not yet a bonafide resident. That all changed in Mid-March. Now, with the clothes, the boxes of stuff, the furniture and my trusty Blue Eagle all put away, I have some time to explore, and one of the first places I headed to was Makai Brewing, on Rt. 17 just two miles from my house.

I went there primarily to see how that neat "Buy-A-Buddy-A-Beer" deal works. Turns out it works pretty well. My man Chris, a native of nearby Shallotte, had come in and put "The Pubscout" up on the official "Pay it Forward Board" as eligible for a beer.

So, after providing proof of identification (my handsome PUBSCOUT Card), I enjoyed a very nice DIPA called Fire Knife. While so engaged, I got to examine the BIG BOARD more closely. While you can certainly offer up a specific name to enjoy your largesse, you can also be a bit more imaginative.

For example, somebody offered a beer to "Any Slippery Rock Dropout." Another blessed any "Rural Mail Carrier" Still others bought rounds for any "Female Sherrif's Deputy," any "NYPD Officer," a "Baltimore City Firefighter," a "Syracuse Women's Lacrosse Player" and even "Jim, The Lousy Gambler from West Virginia" had a beer waiting for him.

Pretty neat concept, if you ask me. So I'm going to jump into the action. I'll buy a beer or a flight--once-a month--for the first person who shows up at Makai Brewing with a copy of this article in hand. It has to be printed directly from this blog page, has to have this date, and the Pay It Forward Board will say April's PubScout Follower, May's PubScout follower, etc. First come, first served, then you have to wait a month. And I'll do it from now till Christmas.

Of course, if you want to reciprocate, I'd be honored. Just like I reciprocated and put my man Chris's name up on the board before I left.
Who knows? We might actually come face to face...
Or elbow to elbow.
The PubScout--Since 1996
As always, feel free to share.
UPDATE: The April PubScout Follower beer is available to the first person who presents this page to the Makai bartender. And you don't have to waste ink and print it. You can just display it on your mobile device as proof. But remember, first come-first served.

And this beautiful young lady above named Sarah is responsible for chalkboard. FWIW, no human being should be able to print that neatly...